Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Confronting hypocrisy with humour

I recently read a post on Biodiverse Resistance about assisted suicide, and in my comment I mentioned my concern about the apparent willingness of the disability rights movement to join forces with the religious right in resisting the legalisation of assisted suicide. I mentioned a rally I went to earlier this year where I was expecting to see a lot of other 5th Worlders, but instead there was a large group of fundamentalist X-tians singing and praying, and they seemed to have the idea that anyone else who came to the rally automagically agreed with their religious beliefs. Needless to say, they were horrified to learn that I am not a X-tian. The experience reminded me of a poem I wrote a few years ago, after an encounter with a X-tian who wanted to lay hands on me and heal me.

Healing the Lame

Can you dig how big
yr god really is?
Can you intuit into it?
Can you divine the divine?
Can you relate
to a creator
who doesn't hate
Would you nod
to a god
as odd
as me?

She wept, and said
Jesus can heal you
I laughed, and said
Physician heal thyself
She knelt, and said
If you accept him as yr saviour,
you can rise up out of yr wheelchair
I stood, and said
If you accept me as yr equal
you can rise up out of yr ignorance

Yr book says we are all made
in the image of god, even me
Can you stand to see
yr god in a wheelchair?
That Jehovah
He's a real jokah
I am divine
That's the punchline
Gaze in awe
upon the wonder that is me
and the voice of god
shall say unto you
"No body's perfect, asshole
Get used to it"

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